October 14, 2008


Alright, I've left this blog of mine for like a few months already. I just don't have the mood to spend a lot of time blogging here, I don't know why. Especially with here, there are many repeated confirmations in which I can't read because it's in Chinese. I might set up a Chinese blog later.. when my typing skills are better. For now, maybe I can only write tiny bit of sentences since my vocabulary myself isn't that well..

Maybe I'll update in DeviantArt, or maybe I'll update here. Livejournal will be a copy paste version of some I want to post. But well, I prefer here or DA rather than LJ ^^

DA - http://itachifreax.deviantart.com/

LJ - http://isabellayoung.livejournal.com/

BS - http://rossenioliv.blogspot.com/ & http://yangpeiying.blogspot.com/

So well, I didn't even tell how my first day as an exchangee was. I was thrilled to be an exchange student :D on my first day I wasn't able to speak, like even one full sentence; I think. Mostly I use English... oh well. But as time goes, I became more fluent and I understand more words.

Now I am able to type in Chinese; I just need to know the bopomofo/pinyin, and of course the character xD School is also fun; I laugh a lot. Friends here are fun; and everyone is considered the same. Ganging may happen, of course. There are some people who just go with their gang and barely spoke to anyone else. Or maybe they are just shy? Oh well~

Today I had an exam; ohohoho. I nearly got full marks but one of the characters I wrote wasn't quite right so minus one point. Oh well... hahaha. Friends are having tests; and like my first day at school with Patty; my fellow exchangee in this school; we spent a lot of time in the library. Hahaha~ their test is going to last until this Friday. Oh yeah, I have to ask my computer teacher if she can fix my USB. Hopefully she can, since I can't fix it at home. Causes hang or sudden shut down. Virus you bitch.