May 30, 2008

Final exams finished

I'm glad I don't have to do remedial for most of the subjects.. but one thing, Principles! Damn thing, it disturbed my pretty Saturday, and I wanted to hibernate after long days of studying (well I wasn't really giving my all but I succeeded anyways)

I'm glad I sat with a senior I adored! Well not much but she's very kind even from the 'start' :)

First day was Economics and Religion (Catholic). I saw the name on the desk next to me and I just couldn't stop smiling. I sat with a kind senior :D

I did good in Economics, got eighty in the end. For religion, I got good grades but I don't know the exact number. Next day, Biology and Indonesian. Biology sucked! It got damn number of pages to read and I could not stand that. Period. For Indonesian I did the remedial already for the multiple choices part and luckily I got good grades on the essay part.

And then tomorrow was Saturday, two days later would be Sunday. I have to study Maths and Principles for the incoming exams on Monday. I had a private lesson beforehand on Friday so I just need to study from the books. Principles IS INDEED a GO-TO-HELL subject. Man, just reading the pages makes my eyes bleed. Filled with little writings that I really hate reading. And yeah, in the end I have to do remedial for my multiple choices. Got lucky in the essays. I'm damn glad I got good grades in math, even though it's only seventy six the highest grade wasn't one hundred after all. I got second rank in my class, and the first one is the other Bella.

Tuesday was the day for Chemistry and Geography. On Monday I slept at about half past eleven, because I wanted to finish the questions my Geography teacher gave us for studying. Chemistry? Blah, I only opened the book for first semester, and I didn't regret that at all. I got good grades after all, in the end. Listening to the teacher is really the best medicine for kids like me who doesn't really like studying books and notebooks. It's like, inside our mind already, without having to memorize again. Great thing my geography marks was good; I had 8/9, 8/9, 6/9 and 6/9. Free from remedial! So far, only one.

Wednesday was the day for Physics and Sociology. I had private lesson again on Tuesday because I'm afraid I won't make it in Physics. I was damn desperate and already thinking negative thoughts on Tuesday, knowing that my weakness IS Physics. I never majored at that. That day I only studied tiny bit of Sociology. Tuesday was also a sad day, I didn't get a present from dad cause I did not request anything; well that's part of my fault too.

I was excited to know that my Physics essay score is good. 40 out of 50, and it helped my multiple choices part, which is only 24/50. ^_^"
For Sociology, I majored on the multiple choices and broke down at the essays. I forgot to fill in one question! And I realized that when I was already out. Woe is me.

Thursday is the day for German and History. I like German, and as I had said, listening to the teacher is the best medicine for lazy bums like me. I listened to the teacher most of the time (that counts for the second semester :D..) and yes, I got full mark for Reading and Writing! 6 out of 6 and 8 out of 8. Oh I'm so glad another great mark. History hasn't been announced yet, but I'm positive I'd get good grades, except my 2B pencil doesn't give enough black to the computer sheet and my answers can't be read. Let's hope I only have to do one remedial, and that is the damned PRINCIPLES.

Friday or today, is the last day. English and Drawing. Darn, I think I chose some wrong choices. Well, it's confusing after all, and smack that. For drawing, I spent all the time given (90 minutes). I guess I was too much of a perfectionist in drawing --"

I had to draw two hands, and for the first hand, I did great (to me) and after I gave the shadings, it looked even greater! (to me). However, due to the fifteen minutes remaining when I finished the first hand, my second hand wasn't as good; sadly. I spent 75 minutes for drawing two hands (I finished one before but I wasn't satisfied, which means I drew three) and shaded one. The time limit should be two hours!!! x0

I'm glad that I got many good grades, unlike my first semester's final exam's grades. I suck, suck and suck at first semester. Well, my actions during classes also differ though, so it makes sense. I am a lazy bum who likes seeing other people's homework, but at the second semester I listen to the teacher most of the time (not all the time but most :p), don't give my work to lazy bums (being stingy at showing work --" to those who are famous with laziness in my eyes) and I don't like cheating any more. I forgot, but maybe I still do while in the first semester, but I definitely hate cheating now, I even despise it. Only at exams or assignments though. At some cases, I can't say that as definite. I just hate to see people who cheat that got better grades than those who study. It's just unfair.

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