October 15, 2008


I'm really happy xD

Today I was late; well it doesn't matter though, since today I won't do anything. Only smuggling in the library...

In the morning; as usual I was in the library. At first I read the book I just bought yesterday... TWILIGHT! I had always wanted to buy and read but I never got the chance to go to a bookstore.. oh well. Yesterday I got the chance :)

Then I read OneManga. LOVE CELEB! It's kinda perverted but it's funny. <3 I love it. ESPECIALLY THE MAIN GUY. OOOH... And yes, I abandoned my book and decided to read it later..

The vice principal came (and unfortunately the page I was reading was kind of perverted.. T_T, I minimized it right away) and told us that our Chinese teacher, Wu laoshi wanted to take us somewhere (it took us some time to fully understand what she really meant though..). After trying to interpret, well I guessed we'll see the market. And try to speak.. in Chinese? I still chat a lot using English with Patty though :p I try a little. LOL.

Wu laoshi met a student of hers. WOW. And that woman looked,, not young anymore.. --" so that means Wu laoshi has taught the school for quite some time already.. and yeah, she taught for 30 years already... and she looked so young :O

Similar case to my German teacher back in Indonesia, who has taught my school for 37 years, 38 for this year too.

Then we went back to school. I bought a green tea since I was thirsty, and Wu laoshi treated us. She bought me and Patty a bottle of orange juice; and one for herself. We came back to school and went back to the library.

Oh yeah, I continued reading Love Celeb. I love the man. LOL. The girl too. Funny and oblivious <3

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