October 15, 2008


Today we went home earlier than usual. Oh yeah, I didn't know that. I was having fun typing my blog and then a friend of mine came to the library; I think it's her class' shift. Lucky she came to me. She said that we will go home at three today because of the exam, tomorrow will also go home at three and Friday maybe twelve.


I had a book which is supposed to function as my host parents and teacher's way of communicating. And my homeroom teacher... she forgot to write that we'll go home at three. Oh well, I was kind of glad too that she forgot anyways. :p

I ran to my class with my belongings, and saw Patty and Vivien going to go home. I went to my class, and heard a loud sound from the computer. So loud --"

I took two pictures with my classmates :) first is one of my classmates named Teresa (I don't know her Chinese name yet x_x) and second, with A Mei and Dang Dang a.k.a Davia. Then I asked one of my classmates, who is almost away from the class all the time to fill in my address book. She is the one to gang with her friends all the time, but anyways she's nice :)

Afterwards I took my school bag and went downstairs with Dang Dang. I FORGOT MY SNACK (--"). I put it on the locker in front of the library because I'm being a good girl that follows the rules (I just don't want to get caught =p).

And so, I ran back to the library locker and went to the gate with Dang Dang. I messaged my host mom asking her to call me but I didn't receive any reports saying it had delivered. Moments later Dang Dang's mother had come, and so I looked for another place to sit and try contact my host mom.

I tried calling her mobile number but I couldn't. The operator said something I didn't understand... well it's in Chinese. Oh well. I dialed her office number; afraid it will need extension numbers or afraid someone else will answer the phone. Who knows if my home ma has a secretary or something.

Fortunately, it's my home ma who answered. At first I was unsure, but then when I said "home ma?" she recognized me immediately and so I told her that it seemed that the time to go home is three o'clock and I didn't know, so I offered to walk back. Of course I'm not going to ask her to pick me up right away; she's working.

She said it's okay as long as I won't get lost and as long as I have the key. I have my key, and then I wanted to go back on foot when an idea popped in my mind.


Her house is near, so she should be home by now. It's 3.25 and we went home at three. I then dialed her mobile phone. She never adds new numbers to her contacts; that's for sure. I once called her with this number and now she still doesn't recognize my number so yeah.

I asked her; can I go to her house. Then she said that she's going to the grocery store near the school. It looks like a.. mart. For a second I didn't know what would be the correct English word for a store that sells various things from snacks to household needs and make up plus facial things.

Then we decided to loiter somewhere; our first destination was Starbucks but no, we came to Patty's apartment first. The apartment is soo tall. o_o

She lives in the 22 and 23rd floor. Just like my host family, her host family owns two floors. I guess it's kinda normal then. She gives me a quick tour of her house. The balcony is LOVELY. It's filled with beautiful flowers and this stone table and seats. It's LOVELY.

Then she let me in to her room. Messier than me; but oh well. I try to not be messy since I have to clean it every week... hell no if I'm going to make a messy room a lot of times =P

I put my bag of lunch box on her chair; since we are going to go down. I brought my school bag with me and then we went downstairs. Her apartment requires you to bring your key all the time, since to get on the elevator you have to insert some kind of card key which is attached to the key. Well in my apartment it's less strict so well... bringing key isn't what I have to do every day but I'd better prepare. Like at times like this, unexpected things happen and you have to go home alone... usually I go home with my host mom and she always brings the key, so yeah.

There's a building with shops nearby. I think it's called Eslite or something. It's cold so I feel 'oooh'. Relieved. LOL. There's a Starbucks, but we went downstairs instead. To the bookstore.

I saw Twilight. And on sale! Hell yeah. At first I thought; buy or not buy. But later my mind gave in; I bought it. :p I was looking forward to reading Twilight; since all my friends are crazed over it. Patty said it's very good and she finished reading it in a day. O_o

She showed me around a little. There's a CD shop, a shop with cute things.. maybe DIY. Dunno though. There's also a store that sells things for facial or lotion; something of the sort. I intended to use the term personal store as I've seen Watsons' sign (-_-) but oh well.

Afterwards we wanted to go to Burger King instead of going to Starbucks. I took my lunch box bag and then went with Patty towards Burger King. Inside I ordered a chicken sandwich in pack; so it's got French fries and a soft drink. Patty ordered something else which I don't know the name (it's in Chinese after all). Then we took a seat.

We experienced the ting bu dong twice today. LOL. Back in the bookstore I didn't understand what the shop clerk was trying to say; then she said do you want plastic. Hehe. And now it's about what.. I forgot. Fun experience after all; it's what it means to be an exchange student. Oooh...

We took a seat then. I ate first because my hamburger is already ready while Patty has to wait until her burger comes. Next to us sat an American; well I think. He's a foreigner but I don't know if he's American or not. Patty smiled at him saying hi but he didn't reply. I did see him smile though; I think.

Hell yeah; we loitered there. LOL. Talked lots and lots and of course I can't name it one by one. Patty also told me that McDonalds' fries are scary. There's a friend of her parents if I don't remember it wrong, that has a fries kept for years and still looked nearly the same. Scary..

At around five, my home ma called. Asking me where am I now. I said I'm in Burger King with Patty and she asked me if I want her to pick me up. I said yes. Patty waited with me for a while, but later she went home first since she didn't want to go home alone in the dark. I understand though; being a young girl ;)

We hugged each other and then bid bye bye. Then I came back to my seat, intending to draw but then changed to writing in my book. I haven't written today's. Also, I haven't continued my diary. But sure thing I'm gonna write for today.

Not long after I wrote some sentences my home ma called. Wow, so fast. Hehe. Then we went home. I ate dinner already so I didn't eat at home. I think that's a great idea for days that I have free time like this. I said to my home ma, it's a chance for me to explore, so don't pick me up! LOL. I never had the time to walk because I had to be picked up all the time. And well, when I move to my second host family, sure I will be using the school bus and not have as much free time. -_-

I fell asleep. I was so sleepy. Then I took a bath. Then I played comp. I wanted to make my 1500 kiriban in DA, though it's nearly 1600 now. Oh well. I lack deviations, so I might as well make some more.

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