January 17, 2009


Well it's too much of a bother to change the fifteen to sixteen.

Let it remain as memory.. I made it when I was fifteen years old. First grade of high school, which is filled with happy and sad memories.

After I become more fluent in Chinese, I will make a wretch blog for sure. None of my friends use facebook after all.. so to keep in touch I'll make one :D

After a long pause from reading online mangas, I'm going to look for new ones, and old ones perhaps.

Heart. Oh my dear friend Stevina thank you very much for introducing this comic to me XD now I want to reread.. Takada Rie just makes handsome boys, yet the girls are just so-so but it's ok la ahhahaa

Naruto-- might be a little boring now but I still follow it, since I'm curious of the outcome. :)

Fairy Tail. I don't know why but I love the details Hiro Mashima gives on the clothes here, like Erza's. Her ex-quips are just lovely :D

Love Celeb. There are some err.. scenes so it's better to read without daddy or mommy nearby. Still fun to read though.

Haou Airen-- I want to read this.. =__= perhaps mangatraders. 8manga.com wasn't helpful..

To-Love-Ru. Lots of funny troubles :D:D

Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden.. the update's irregular so I don't know when the new chapter is going to come out.. I tend to forget..

Vampire Knight. ZERO! Needless to say, Hino Matsuri rocks :D I fell in love with her artwork when reading Merupuri.



I've left my fanfiction.net account for some time already. I can't even update my story now since my time on the computer will be more limited for sure. Maybe it won't be seen as an excuse but during your exchange year you wouldn't want to spend your weekends typing stories unless you have nothing to do.

I always wanted reviews. Numbers matter to me, though I try not to think about it.


I draw a lot. But I get the thoughts of will people like it or not? I want comments and favorites.

I think this happens a lot and I wish I could just be the person who doesn't give a shit about it. I've read people saying DA is about exhibiting your art, not about the comments or favorites you get. Right, but I can't help but think about the comments and favorites. As for watchers and comments, that's one thing I don't really give a damn. Maybe it's an unwritten policy that watchers have to comment every single new deviation from the people he/she's watching.

Cause I don't, I kind of disagree with that... which one would you choose.. commenting a single sentence of praise because it's too many or just pick the ones you like and comment them. I know some would do option one, since I think it's mutual for both the artist and watcher.

As for me, I'm an option two person. It's up to what people think though..

October 20, 2008


我感冒了. AAAAA...


昨天我很哭. 我眼淚.

我讀完 Twilight 了. 我愛 Edward Cullen (當然 =D).


I don't even know if anyone is even seeing or even reading this blog. I just keep it to myself and oh well, like I'd reread. As long as I wrote, I pour out feelings. Now I'm not as excited as my first days here, I tend to skip the details. Oh well, that happens.

And now I'm using my diary as a tool to improve my Chinese writing skills. It's still poor, and yet my teacher said that for the speech contest I have to write a speech with a minimum of 500 words. How 'cool' is that?

I suppose it's nearing the end of my exchange, since well, if it's in December I think it's impossible for knowing at least 500 words outside your head... I can't imagine how efficient my brain would be. And I saw inside my inbound student handbook, that I'd have a speech in front of all the school, now in Chinese. In the start of the year, I used full English and that was so short, not even reaching 100 words if I say..

October 15, 2008


I did not bring my diary. Shucks.

And hell yeah, I wrote on my blog. I'm excited!

I'm dying for a sketchbook.. my paper is running out and I need to drawwww. I am in the mood. OH STATIONERY STOREEE,,,

I'm in love with Love Celeb. I'll definitely make a fanart.. and I hope I can draw the man.. oh he's irresistible. LOL.

I want to make a Gokusen fanart too, but I don't know. Chibis will do, I think.


I'm really happy xD

Today I was late; well it doesn't matter though, since today I won't do anything. Only smuggling in the library...

In the morning; as usual I was in the library. At first I read the book I just bought yesterday... TWILIGHT! I had always wanted to buy and read but I never got the chance to go to a bookstore.. oh well. Yesterday I got the chance :)

Then I read OneManga. LOVE CELEB! It's kinda perverted but it's funny. <3 I love it. ESPECIALLY THE MAIN GUY. OOOH... And yes, I abandoned my book and decided to read it later..

The vice principal came (and unfortunately the page I was reading was kind of perverted.. T_T, I minimized it right away) and told us that our Chinese teacher, Wu laoshi wanted to take us somewhere (it took us some time to fully understand what she really meant though..). After trying to interpret, well I guessed we'll see the market. And try to speak.. in Chinese? I still chat a lot using English with Patty though :p I try a little. LOL.

Wu laoshi met a student of hers. WOW. And that woman looked,, not young anymore.. --" so that means Wu laoshi has taught the school for quite some time already.. and yeah, she taught for 30 years already... and she looked so young :O

Similar case to my German teacher back in Indonesia, who has taught my school for 37 years, 38 for this year too.

Then we went back to school. I bought a green tea since I was thirsty, and Wu laoshi treated us. She bought me and Patty a bottle of orange juice; and one for herself. We came back to school and went back to the library.

Oh yeah, I continued reading Love Celeb. I love the man. LOL. The girl too. Funny and oblivious <3


Today we went home earlier than usual. Oh yeah, I didn't know that. I was having fun typing my blog and then a friend of mine came to the library; I think it's her class' shift. Lucky she came to me. She said that we will go home at three today because of the exam, tomorrow will also go home at three and Friday maybe twelve.


I had a book which is supposed to function as my host parents and teacher's way of communicating. And my homeroom teacher... she forgot to write that we'll go home at three. Oh well, I was kind of glad too that she forgot anyways. :p

I ran to my class with my belongings, and saw Patty and Vivien going to go home. I went to my class, and heard a loud sound from the computer. So loud --"

I took two pictures with my classmates :) first is one of my classmates named Teresa (I don't know her Chinese name yet x_x) and second, with A Mei and Dang Dang a.k.a Davia. Then I asked one of my classmates, who is almost away from the class all the time to fill in my address book. She is the one to gang with her friends all the time, but anyways she's nice :)

Afterwards I took my school bag and went downstairs with Dang Dang. I FORGOT MY SNACK (--"). I put it on the locker in front of the library because I'm being a good girl that follows the rules (I just don't want to get caught =p).

And so, I ran back to the library locker and went to the gate with Dang Dang. I messaged my host mom asking her to call me but I didn't receive any reports saying it had delivered. Moments later Dang Dang's mother had come, and so I looked for another place to sit and try contact my host mom.

I tried calling her mobile number but I couldn't. The operator said something I didn't understand... well it's in Chinese. Oh well. I dialed her office number; afraid it will need extension numbers or afraid someone else will answer the phone. Who knows if my home ma has a secretary or something.

Fortunately, it's my home ma who answered. At first I was unsure, but then when I said "home ma?" she recognized me immediately and so I told her that it seemed that the time to go home is three o'clock and I didn't know, so I offered to walk back. Of course I'm not going to ask her to pick me up right away; she's working.

She said it's okay as long as I won't get lost and as long as I have the key. I have my key, and then I wanted to go back on foot when an idea popped in my mind.


Her house is near, so she should be home by now. It's 3.25 and we went home at three. I then dialed her mobile phone. She never adds new numbers to her contacts; that's for sure. I once called her with this number and now she still doesn't recognize my number so yeah.

I asked her; can I go to her house. Then she said that she's going to the grocery store near the school. It looks like a.. mart. For a second I didn't know what would be the correct English word for a store that sells various things from snacks to household needs and make up plus facial things.

Then we decided to loiter somewhere; our first destination was Starbucks but no, we came to Patty's apartment first. The apartment is soo tall. o_o

She lives in the 22 and 23rd floor. Just like my host family, her host family owns two floors. I guess it's kinda normal then. She gives me a quick tour of her house. The balcony is LOVELY. It's filled with beautiful flowers and this stone table and seats. It's LOVELY.

Then she let me in to her room. Messier than me; but oh well. I try to not be messy since I have to clean it every week... hell no if I'm going to make a messy room a lot of times =P

I put my bag of lunch box on her chair; since we are going to go down. I brought my school bag with me and then we went downstairs. Her apartment requires you to bring your key all the time, since to get on the elevator you have to insert some kind of card key which is attached to the key. Well in my apartment it's less strict so well... bringing key isn't what I have to do every day but I'd better prepare. Like at times like this, unexpected things happen and you have to go home alone... usually I go home with my host mom and she always brings the key, so yeah.

There's a building with shops nearby. I think it's called Eslite or something. It's cold so I feel 'oooh'. Relieved. LOL. There's a Starbucks, but we went downstairs instead. To the bookstore.

I saw Twilight. And on sale! Hell yeah. At first I thought; buy or not buy. But later my mind gave in; I bought it. :p I was looking forward to reading Twilight; since all my friends are crazed over it. Patty said it's very good and she finished reading it in a day. O_o

She showed me around a little. There's a CD shop, a shop with cute things.. maybe DIY. Dunno though. There's also a store that sells things for facial or lotion; something of the sort. I intended to use the term personal store as I've seen Watsons' sign (-_-) but oh well.

Afterwards we wanted to go to Burger King instead of going to Starbucks. I took my lunch box bag and then went with Patty towards Burger King. Inside I ordered a chicken sandwich in pack; so it's got French fries and a soft drink. Patty ordered something else which I don't know the name (it's in Chinese after all). Then we took a seat.

We experienced the ting bu dong twice today. LOL. Back in the bookstore I didn't understand what the shop clerk was trying to say; then she said do you want plastic. Hehe. And now it's about what.. I forgot. Fun experience after all; it's what it means to be an exchange student. Oooh...

We took a seat then. I ate first because my hamburger is already ready while Patty has to wait until her burger comes. Next to us sat an American; well I think. He's a foreigner but I don't know if he's American or not. Patty smiled at him saying hi but he didn't reply. I did see him smile though; I think.

Hell yeah; we loitered there. LOL. Talked lots and lots and of course I can't name it one by one. Patty also told me that McDonalds' fries are scary. There's a friend of her parents if I don't remember it wrong, that has a fries kept for years and still looked nearly the same. Scary..

At around five, my home ma called. Asking me where am I now. I said I'm in Burger King with Patty and she asked me if I want her to pick me up. I said yes. Patty waited with me for a while, but later she went home first since she didn't want to go home alone in the dark. I understand though; being a young girl ;)

We hugged each other and then bid bye bye. Then I came back to my seat, intending to draw but then changed to writing in my book. I haven't written today's. Also, I haven't continued my diary. But sure thing I'm gonna write for today.

Not long after I wrote some sentences my home ma called. Wow, so fast. Hehe. Then we went home. I ate dinner already so I didn't eat at home. I think that's a great idea for days that I have free time like this. I said to my home ma, it's a chance for me to explore, so don't pick me up! LOL. I never had the time to walk because I had to be picked up all the time. And well, when I move to my second host family, sure I will be using the school bus and not have as much free time. -_-

I fell asleep. I was so sleepy. Then I took a bath. Then I played comp. I wanted to make my 1500 kiriban in DA, though it's nearly 1600 now. Oh well. I lack deviations, so I might as well make some more.

October 14, 2008


Alright, I've left this blog of mine for like a few months already. I just don't have the mood to spend a lot of time blogging here, I don't know why. Especially with here, there are many repeated confirmations in which I can't read because it's in Chinese. I might set up a Chinese blog later.. when my typing skills are better. For now, maybe I can only write tiny bit of sentences since my vocabulary myself isn't that well..

Maybe I'll update in DeviantArt, or maybe I'll update here. Livejournal will be a copy paste version of some I want to post. But well, I prefer here or DA rather than LJ ^^

DA - http://itachifreax.deviantart.com/

LJ - http://isabellayoung.livejournal.com/

BS - http://rossenioliv.blogspot.com/ & http://yangpeiying.blogspot.com/

So well, I didn't even tell how my first day as an exchangee was. I was thrilled to be an exchange student :D on my first day I wasn't able to speak, like even one full sentence; I think. Mostly I use English... oh well. But as time goes, I became more fluent and I understand more words.

Now I am able to type in Chinese; I just need to know the bopomofo/pinyin, and of course the character xD School is also fun; I laugh a lot. Friends here are fun; and everyone is considered the same. Ganging may happen, of course. There are some people who just go with their gang and barely spoke to anyone else. Or maybe they are just shy? Oh well~

Today I had an exam; ohohoho. I nearly got full marks but one of the characters I wrote wasn't quite right so minus one point. Oh well... hahaha. Friends are having tests; and like my first day at school with Patty; my fellow exchangee in this school; we spent a lot of time in the library. Hahaha~ their test is going to last until this Friday. Oh yeah, I have to ask my computer teacher if she can fix my USB. Hopefully she can, since I can't fix it at home. Causes hang or sudden shut down. Virus you bitch.

May 30, 2008

Final exams finished

I'm glad I don't have to do remedial for most of the subjects.. but one thing, Principles! Damn thing, it disturbed my pretty Saturday, and I wanted to hibernate after long days of studying (well I wasn't really giving my all but I succeeded anyways)

I'm glad I sat with a senior I adored! Well not much but she's very kind even from the 'start' :)

First day was Economics and Religion (Catholic). I saw the name on the desk next to me and I just couldn't stop smiling. I sat with a kind senior :D

I did good in Economics, got eighty in the end. For religion, I got good grades but I don't know the exact number. Next day, Biology and Indonesian. Biology sucked! It got damn number of pages to read and I could not stand that. Period. For Indonesian I did the remedial already for the multiple choices part and luckily I got good grades on the essay part.

And then tomorrow was Saturday, two days later would be Sunday. I have to study Maths and Principles for the incoming exams on Monday. I had a private lesson beforehand on Friday so I just need to study from the books. Principles IS INDEED a GO-TO-HELL subject. Man, just reading the pages makes my eyes bleed. Filled with little writings that I really hate reading. And yeah, in the end I have to do remedial for my multiple choices. Got lucky in the essays. I'm damn glad I got good grades in math, even though it's only seventy six the highest grade wasn't one hundred after all. I got second rank in my class, and the first one is the other Bella.

Tuesday was the day for Chemistry and Geography. On Monday I slept at about half past eleven, because I wanted to finish the questions my Geography teacher gave us for studying. Chemistry? Blah, I only opened the book for first semester, and I didn't regret that at all. I got good grades after all, in the end. Listening to the teacher is really the best medicine for kids like me who doesn't really like studying books and notebooks. It's like, inside our mind already, without having to memorize again. Great thing my geography marks was good; I had 8/9, 8/9, 6/9 and 6/9. Free from remedial! So far, only one.

Wednesday was the day for Physics and Sociology. I had private lesson again on Tuesday because I'm afraid I won't make it in Physics. I was damn desperate and already thinking negative thoughts on Tuesday, knowing that my weakness IS Physics. I never majored at that. That day I only studied tiny bit of Sociology. Tuesday was also a sad day, I didn't get a present from dad cause I did not request anything; well that's part of my fault too.

I was excited to know that my Physics essay score is good. 40 out of 50, and it helped my multiple choices part, which is only 24/50. ^_^"
For Sociology, I majored on the multiple choices and broke down at the essays. I forgot to fill in one question! And I realized that when I was already out. Woe is me.

Thursday is the day for German and History. I like German, and as I had said, listening to the teacher is the best medicine for lazy bums like me. I listened to the teacher most of the time (that counts for the second semester :D..) and yes, I got full mark for Reading and Writing! 6 out of 6 and 8 out of 8. Oh I'm so glad another great mark. History hasn't been announced yet, but I'm positive I'd get good grades, except my 2B pencil doesn't give enough black to the computer sheet and my answers can't be read. Let's hope I only have to do one remedial, and that is the damned PRINCIPLES.

Friday or today, is the last day. English and Drawing. Darn, I think I chose some wrong choices. Well, it's confusing after all, and smack that. For drawing, I spent all the time given (90 minutes). I guess I was too much of a perfectionist in drawing --"

I had to draw two hands, and for the first hand, I did great (to me) and after I gave the shadings, it looked even greater! (to me). However, due to the fifteen minutes remaining when I finished the first hand, my second hand wasn't as good; sadly. I spent 75 minutes for drawing two hands (I finished one before but I wasn't satisfied, which means I drew three) and shaded one. The time limit should be two hours!!! x0

I'm glad that I got many good grades, unlike my first semester's final exam's grades. I suck, suck and suck at first semester. Well, my actions during classes also differ though, so it makes sense. I am a lazy bum who likes seeing other people's homework, but at the second semester I listen to the teacher most of the time (not all the time but most :p), don't give my work to lazy bums (being stingy at showing work --" to those who are famous with laziness in my eyes) and I don't like cheating any more. I forgot, but maybe I still do while in the first semester, but I definitely hate cheating now, I even despise it. Only at exams or assignments though. At some cases, I can't say that as definite. I just hate to see people who cheat that got better grades than those who study. It's just unfair.

May 9, 2008


I am into fanfiction XD

I have a fanfiction.net account, and I once planned for a FictionPress account, but I think not now...

I have a story titled Engagement Games, a story of Itachi and Sakura. They may be out of character, but well that's my style lol. I used to write a sequel for it but I got dissatisfied and deleted it. Now I make a new one but nobody noticed so I put it together with my story. It has many alerts so it should bring more attention :D

I love the pairing Itachi-Sakura and Sasuke-Sakura the most. Usually those are the fanfictions I read; I think I read other pairings too but I can't remember which and which. Most pairings that I like are Sakura-... pairings. Don't know why, but I don't like the other girls that much.

Loong life story

I write diaries too, but I also want to write it in the blog, although with anonymous situation.

This happened eight days ago, exactly the first day of the fifth month.

I planned to come over to one of my closest friend's house and then eat lunch together with her brother, my best friend and my best friend's cousin. A total of five persons in party.

Let's say one of my closest friend is my close friend; it's more simple :p

So, I woke up at six fifty in the morning. However, I got sleepy again and slept until I woke up at seven forty-seven AM. I ate breakfast; a whole-wheat roll with Nutella and butter inside. My younger brother and my dad was there. I asked my dad if the driver was able to give me a drive to my close friend's house and he said I should immediately go when he arrives because my dad is going to the airport. My younger wanted to eat nachos for breakfast; my mother had bought a tortilla chips snack yesterday and my brother made the sauce. He made the sauce with a multi-purpose kitchen utensil named Magic Bullet. We saw it on an ad while in Singapore and bought it :p

Anyways, his nachos were totally a bang. Extremely delicious! I say. LOL. After I took a bite the driver arrived so I rushed upstairs to take a bath. That day, I wore my newly-bought Zara simple red sleeveless shirt and my black knee-length pants.

I had prepared two bags yesterday night, but I thought it would be better to bring just one bag, so I only brought one bag and took out some unimportant things. I brought a chocolate for my close friend's brother, my violin, pencil case and a small A5-sized Lyra sketchbook. Because of the bag change, I forgot to bring my violin's shoulder rest; well it didn't affect much though... I didn't play my violin a lot while in her house.

Okay, I'm prepared to go and then I went downstairs. Mom was there, about to drink a glass of water. She said the cleavage of the sleeveless shirt is too big, so I should use something as a cover. I didn't want other people to see too, so I took my gray Zara sweater and tied it pretty loosely on my neck. Success! It covered the cleavage properly.

After that, I took my flat shoes before exiting the house with my purple CR-V. I went at about eight something and arrived at nine twenty if I'm not wrong. The trip took about an hour since it's pretty far.

I arrived near nine thirty and I phoned my close friend, informing that I'm in front of her house now. She told me she hasn't even took a bath, so she told me to go inside. I pushed the bell, and her maid answered. Shortly after my close friend's mom came asking who is it, her maid answered her (my close friend) friend. I said,"Excuse me, auntie," with a smile and then she greeted me back with a smile.

(She isn't my auntie, it's just how we call an adult woman whom we are not too close with)

I entered, and then she called my close friend to inform, and then she told me to go to my close friend's room. I nodded and then went upstairs. I saw my close friend's youngest brother playing the computer but I went immediately to my close friend's room. Inside I found her taking clothes; she told me to stay here for now, cause she's going to take a bath.

I nodded, and then I saw a big chemistry book next to her bed. It looked interesting, so I opened it; and opened Organic Chemistry, the one I'm currently studying.

She came back when I was reading, and if I'm not wrong, she came with her dog. Whenever the dog sees me it usually barks cause I'm still a foreigner here. lol. But it's cute after all.

I can't remember the talks, but my close friend said that her brother hasn't woken up yet, and the ones who are going are only him, her, and me. I was glad. Yes, my close friend's brother is my crush. I liked him since he gave me support back in September 2007, but I realized it on my birthday, when I invited him to my school fest that day. I just felt I want to be close to him all the time, and sometimes seeing him makes my stomach churn.

Then, my close friend woke him up. After that she returned to her room, where I was. Shortly after, someone opened the door. It was her brother, looking dull. Well, he's just up so it's normal. Minutes later, he opened the door again, saying I got here so early. Afterwards, he headed to the bathroom.

I brought my violin so I played a bit. Other than that, I watched Doraemon, played with my close friend's dog and drank YOU-C 1000. While watching Doraemon, my close friend's brother, who had finished bathing entered and gave me a drawing he promised as a birthday gift. When saying thank you, I give friendly hug, both to male and female. As for males, sometimes I may not because I'm not that used to men. But I did that purposely, not by habit, because he's my crush.

He said he watched this episode of Doraemon; Sinbad, he said. Then he saw my poster book which contained Japanese artists. He also likes Japanese music like I do. After that he left the room and played with his laptop.

Before going for lunch, I heard news that my best friend's cousin got an accident, so my best friend may not go for lunch as planned. Nonetheless, we went out shortly after. I left some of my belongings in my close friend's room because I'm going to come back here again after lunch.

Downstairs I was waiting for everyone to get ready. My close friend, her brother, and their mom. Lucky their mom already knew me so the situation wasn't awkward.

He brought a Nintendo DS with him to ease boredom during the journey. He played with it until the battery went out, but that lasted pretty long. Anyways, we got into the car with my close friend as the driver, her mom on the front seat and me with my crush on the back seat. Unfortunately he had his DS so he played with it all the way until the destination.

Our destination was a dim-sum restaurant named Eastern. Back in October 2007 we went here with a party of six; me, my best friend, my close friend and her brothers; one older, who is my crush, and two younger.

At that time they teased me by lying to me that the price for all-you-can-eat per person is two hundred thousand rupiahs. Beforehand I was asked how much did I bring so they put up that number. I totally believed them, and it went to a corner until I let a tear fall down accidentally. I wasn't sad; I was still laughing. I don't know why but well...

So, we ate at Eastern while my close friend's mum is sightseeing. We only ate a little though, because we wanted to go to my best friend's place to check on her cousin. We went to her store, which contained many expensive tables and chairs and benches and etc. We waited for a while, because my best friend and her cousin hasn't arrived yet. We were waiting inside the car, and then my best friend's cousin's brother came to the front, asking us to just go inside. However, my close friend, her brother and their mom chose to stay inside the car, so I stayed too.

Later, their mom told us that she wanted to go home, so we should go down first and then she'll get us later. We agreed so we got down and went inside. My best friend's cousin's brother told us to sit so we sat at a table with about six chairs.

My best friend's little brother and her cousin's little sis are also there. It was silence until my best friend along with the party came; her mother and her cousin. I was only transferring songs from my crush's cellphone to mine and talking to my close friend.

She always makes the situation go wild and I like her lively attitude. Like usual, I am being teased. My crush sometimes laughs when I get teased, and my best friend said when it comes to me, he laughs. *Cough cough* she said. I was only whining.

Some events like my best friend's mother being crazy doesn't need explanation. LOL. At least I remember how it was.

So, my best friend took my crush's cellphone and saw through his gallery. She did something secret to help me find out about him, but she didn't say a word. My close friend asked a random question; what is she doing with her brother's cellphone. My best friend answered she turned off his bluetooth. I did forget to turn off his bluetooth because the cellphone was grabbed from my hand before I finished looking through his music library. I forgot who grabbed though.

All of a sudden, my best friend asked me to get water. I was confused but I complied, so I followed her. Near a bench, she whispered to me that it seems that my crush already has a girl. She said she saw through his inbox secretly and saw those messages. He was the initiative, and there are many messages from her and for her.

I was shocked. When I tried to talk, my tears fell down immediately. I said I was going to go to Taiwan after all, but my tears fell before I finished my sentence. My best friend lent her shoulder and patted my back. I cried on her shoulders. I always thought that I like him and not really like yet, but it seems that these feelings affected me.

I was sad upon hearing the news. My best friend's mother called her, so my best friend came over to her mom and told me to sit on the bench first. My best friend's cousin then went over to me to tease me again, but I turned out to be crying, so he canceled. Instead, he told my close friend that I was crying, and she came over to me.

I was crying, so I can't really explain the situation. When my best friend got back, she explained the situation. She didn't let out too many though, maybe afraid I'll get hurt more. Shortly after, I returned to the table.

I didn't want to see him now. I knew seeing him would make my tears fall down even more. I covered my eyes with my sweater to avoid seeing him, but knowing him most probably he wouldn't know I was crying because of him. I buried my face on the table, but my friends keep trying to make me happier. I'm glad they did that. I love them.

I took out my sketchbook and drew. I draw to express what I'm feeling now, and I drew a sad girl. She doesn't really look like me, but I made the hair quite similar.

Two o'clock past a few minutes, my close friend's mother arrived with her third child (my close friend's younger brother) as driver. Near the time my close friend's mother arrived, my best friend's cousin's brother's daughter came to us. My best friend's cousin said 'balla balla,' and she said it too. My crush laughed.

I didn't want him to care about me now. I wanted my tears to fade first. However, he laughed at a tease for me and I cried again. Why? Why did he care?

He thought I cried because my friends teased me too much, and then thought I cried because of a little kid. Let him think like that. I don't want him to know for now. I knew it'd hurt me, but I didn't want the friendship with him fade because of this.

Nevertheless, I wiped out my tears before exiting. I hugged by best friend before leaving, and then walked to the car. Because my close friend's younger brother is the driver and her mother was on the front seat, the three of us sat on the back seat. My close friend entered first, after that my crush and then me.

My voice became little ever since I cried earlier. I couldn't be hyper for now. I think I asked his DS, has the battery run out or something. He said that he was battling the boss. After that, he played music from his cellphone. It was Utada Hikaru's song, Hear Me Cry.

Why did he have to play that track? I knew he wouldn't be relating the song to my current condition, but some of the lyrics related. I looked at the window and fought back tears, so that he wouldn't see. Anyways, our destination now is a mall; one of the biggest here. He wanted to buy tickets of Iron Man for his friends and him later, and also bought Quicklys for him and his siblings.

So, now my position is in the middle. Still next to him. Well, that was inevitable. After he returned, we headed back to my close friend's house. Near the house, he asked about a Pikachu ring tone. I didn't want his attention now, so I kept quiet. Only after he called my name I answered.

I know he only initiated two or three conversations with me, but before this, he wouldn't initiate a single conversation with me. Deep inside I was still happy for his attention but I didn't want me to cry again, so I didn't want his attention at that time. A sad smile is still plastered on my face. I don't care if he knew or not, but he wouldn't care after all.

Me and my close friend headed straight for her room. The doggy wasn't nearby, so it was quiet. Then my close friend asked me to watch DVD, and I agreed. After looking through her collections, I chose Ju-On. Before starting, her mother called us to eat and we ate.

The others didn't eat; it seemed that they are not hungry. My close friend said that her (older) brother is chatting; and my mind immediately thought, 'Is he chatting with that girl of his?'

It stabbed for a second, but I decided not to think of it.

After we finished eating, we came back to my close friend's room to watch. However, in the end we both got drowsy and then slept. I put an alarm beforehand, so I didn't oversleep. After waking up, I took my things and went down to say goodbye to her mother.

My close friend opened the gate for me, and then I went to my car, who had been waiting since about four something. I found that a comic of my close friend that I borrowed was left, so I called her, but she said to give it back when we meet again, so, I entered my car and went home.

Through the trip, I was silent. Unlike usual. When I arrived home, my face is still sad and mom could read it. I told her that I was heartbroken but, due to my emotional self, once again I couldn't complete my sentence because of tears falling down. My mother hugged me, and told me some advices. She told me to think of this as a lesson.

Later in a restaurant we had dinner, and my mother said my shio doesn't match him. Well, I knew it was pretty much impossible but I wanted to keep loving him, discreetly. At least, before I go.

Ever since that day, I wore my purple hair bow on my left hand. Friends are confused why am I using hair bow on my hand, but to me it has its own meaning. After the heartbreak event, I tied my hair with this hair bow. Although it doesn't always remind me of the sad event, I remember this as something I wore after the event.